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 Curiously easily diagnosable and treatable medical problem, depression happens to at least 20 million American adults every year. As we discussed earlier, although everyone has experienced sadness and feelings of being depressed, people that are suffering from true depression have many frequent and recurring long-term symptoms, making them view life as something not worth living.

How would you know if you have a depression problem? Here are more depression symptoms. These symptoms vary in each person, although if these happen to you, it might be wise to consult a doctor.

- Sadness that is prolonged

- Crying spells that are unexplained

- Significant and abrupt changes in sleep patterns and appetite

- Anger, irritability, anxiety, worry, agitation

- Pessimism, indifference

- Energy loss

- Persistent lethargy

- Guilt feelings and unexplained sense of worthlessness

- Difficulty in concentrating and indecisiveness

- Inability in taking pleasure in interests you previously enjoy

- Social withdrawal

- Unexplained pains and aches

- Extreme fatigue when you have not done much

- Recurring and frequent thoughts of suicide or death

If you are experiencing at least five of the symptoms listed above and have begun interfering with family activities or work for more than a week, ask your doctor for a thorough checkup. This would most likely include having a comprehensive physical exam (although some symptoms might be caused by other health problems that you have) and a detailed clinical history. Just be honest and open on what and how you are feeling.

Do not even think of diagnosing yourself. Likewise, you cannot rely to a friend or a member of your family for diagnosis. Only a doctor that is properly trained to check illnesses is the only one that can fully determine if you are having a depression episode.

If you want, you could try self-evaluation tests available on the Internet that could help you gauge the symptoms that you have, or at least, can prepare you when you visit your doctor. Think of these tests as a way of communicating your symptoms better to a healthcare professional when you go in for a visit. Of course, online tests prove no match to an actual consultation.

For other people, depression is recurrent, which simply means that they experience depression episodes often - once or twice in a month, at least once a year, or many times throughout their lifetimes.

Do not feel embarrassed, shy, or ashamed of your depression problem. People of various ages, ethnic groups, races, and social classes get this problem. Although depression can happen at any given age, depression commonly develops in people whose ages lie between 25 and 44. If you have a depression problem, you're not the only one. Every day, there are more than 20 million American adults that are experiencing depression problems.

Be persistent and patient and you will find the method that suits you best for determining depression.

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 Depression is a disorder that does not get nearly enough attention. Depressed people are often told to "cheer up" or to "look at the bright side" of things, and may spiral even deeper when they are unable to simply snap out of the mood that has such a hold on them. While depression can often lead to fatigue and listlessness, it has a close cousin by the name of anxiety. Anxiety causes the opposite effect, putting our bodies into the "fight or flight" mode that protected us in the wild. 

Anxiety attacks can feel like heart attacks, and even at more moderate levels, anxiety can have a dangerous and very negative effect on our lives and on our quality of living. Anxiety can also lead into depression, when a sense of worry and fear for the future leads into the sense of helplessness and hopelessness. That is a classic symptom of depression. Depression and anxiety are often seen together, and can sometimes lead into one another. 

Anxiety is a way of describing a certain way of feeling. It may represent a sense of fear, dread, or a sense that you are in immediate danger, even when you are safe and have no reason to feel this way. There are several different kinds of anxiety disorders, including phobias or irrational fears, situational anxiety, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders among others. 

These disorders can lead to a state of almost constant high stress, and can affect your daily life much to the worse. You may be unable to function in certain situations, or you may come to fear leaving your own home, and if untreated, the symptoms of anxiety disorders can lead to many of the same problems as depression, including insomnia or a reluctance or fear to leave the house or to be around other people. 

<b>Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression</b><br>
Anxiety symptoms can also feel like heart attacks, with palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pains, and more. You might begin trembling and shaking, your mouth might go dry, and you might become dizzy from the stress of the situation. The body becomes "hyped up" by your reaction to the situation, and your senses go into a sort of overdrive that is unlike the depression of the system that happens when you suffer from clinical depression. 

Depression disorder actually slows the body in some ways, making you feel sluggish rather than ready to run or fight, and hopeless rather than actively panicked or fearful. If you have been suffering from anxiety attacks, the attacks themselves may lead into depression because of the hopelessness that you feel at the hands of the attacks and because of the fears that are associated with possibly having another attack. 

If your anxiety symptoms have changed to include listlessness, a disinterest in things that used to engage you, or feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing, then you may now be suffering from depression disorder, and should be treated accordingly for your medical condition. 

Depression is not a constant state of being, nor is anxiety. You might think that because you have a good number of "good days" that your depressive days are just bad moments that will pass, however depression can become worse over time if it is not treated and taken care of, and can lead to suicide if left untreated long enough. 

<b>Anxiety and Depression Treatments</b><br>
Anxiety can worsen over time as well if it is not handled properly. There are ways to help with anxiety even without medication. Therapies are different depending on the type of anxiety that affects you and on the level of anxiety that you suffer. For a phobia, you might be exposed at increasing levels to the thing that you are afraid of. Other therapies might require talking your problems out, and others might just provide techniques to help you ride out your panic attacks and get on with life without letting them affect you more than necessary. 

Depression treatments are also varied, mostly depending on your own personal preference. Medication can provide you with an effective way of dealing with depression; however medication is not for everyone. If you are not interested in medication, then you might consider other kinds of therapies with a psychologist who has experience working with depression. 

Depression and anxiety are related disorders that can have a huge impact on your overall health and quality of life if left untreated. However, both are manageable conditions that do not have to have an effect on your daily life.

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 While not necessarily addictive, antidepressant drugs can cause serious side effects that lead to erratic behavior. Such side effects create a dangerous situation in the workplace, the home, while driving and in many other instances. Those antidepressant drugs of particular concern are tricyclic antidepressants.

Amitriptyline is an antidepressant drug that goes by the brand name Limbitrol. Nortriptyline is also a part of the tricyclic antidepressant family and is prescribed as Aventyl and Pamelor. Doxepin is used to treat both depression and anxiety and can be found under the names Adapin and Sinequan. Desipramine is sometimes also prescribed to treat eating disorders and withdrawal symptoms from cocaine addiction. It is sold under the name brands Norpramin and Pertofrane. 

How Do Tricyclic Antidepressants Work?

Antidepressants work by helping to maintain certain levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. These chemicals help to regulate mood and modes of thinking. By elevating a person suffering from depression’s mood, antidepressants alleviate the feelings of hopelessness, sadness and the general lack of interest in living associated with their condition. The medication is typically taken as an antidepressant pill, but is also available in syrup form. 

Effects of Antidepressant Drugs

Antidepressant drugs, especially tricyclic antidepressant drugs can cause a whole array of side effects. Side effects include, upset stomach, dry mouth, increase in skin sensitivity, insomnia, drowsiness, changes in sex drive, changes in appetite and confusion. Serious antidepressant side effects that require medical attention include constipation, difficulty in speaking, irregular heartbeat, trembling, stiffness of limbs and hallucinations. Tricyclic antidepressants also create an increased likelihood of thoughts of suicide and attempts in children and adolescents. Any sudden behavior changes, mood swings or extreme agitation should be relayed to your child’s doctor.

Signs of Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdoses

Someone overdosing on tricyclic antidepressants exhibits many signs and should be taken to a medical facility immediately. Warning signs of a potential overdose include seizures, dilated pupils, pounding or irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, difficulty breathing, severe drowsiness, and vomiting. 

How To Test For Antidepressant Drugs

While antidepressant drugs are a prescription medication with legitimate uses, they can be potentially dangerous to those who work in fields that require the operation of heavy machinery and other hazardous activities. There are many different kinds of drug testing kits that test for tricyclic antidepressants in one’s system, such as urine drug tests, saliva drug tests and hair follicle drug tests. 

Having an employee that is under the influence of antidepressant drugs such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline or doxepin can be potentially dangerous, not only to themselves, but to other employees and the health of your company. That is why performing drug tests at your workplace to detect antidepressant use can keep your workers safe, your reputation sound and your company producing to the best of its ability. 

As a parent, the prescription drugs your child or teenager is taking is obviously of concern to you. But the potential side effects of some drugs like tricyclic antidepressants are astounding and should be carefully monitored. To test your teen for amitriptyline use, nortriptyline use, doxepin use, desirpramine use and other antidepressant drugs that have been shown to increase the likelihood of suicidal thoughts in adolescents, a drug test kit can help to calm your mind and decide what is best for your child.

 Hot tubs and spas are a fantastic way of getting water therapy that is very much required to refresh the body and the mind. The physical properties of water make it a very useful and helpful medium for treating the muscles, back and neck pain. Water is used for providing hydrotherapy and hydro massage which is related to viscosity and buoyancy effect of water. The buoyancy or floatation effect of the water helps in counter acting the gravity to a limited extent by providing support to the body weight. This can be controlled with use of different massage seats inside the hot tub. This buoyancy effect supports simple workouts like flexing and stretching inside the hot tub. 

The viscosity of the water in the hot tub provides the necessary friction and with pressure from air jets relieves the pains and aches and strengthens the muscles, while lowering the risk of getting injured due to balance loss. The hydrostatic pressure improves the lung and heart function and also aids in enhancing the blood flow. Also hot tubs and spas have high pressure jets fixed to it by giving a massage similar to the itching and stinging type which may not penetrate deeply to allow the person get the most needed relief from pain. These jets can be changed in the hot tubs and spas according to the therapy needs. All the above properties when joined together allows to treat pains and aches due to the reduction in weight of the body placed in the stretched position in the hot tub due to buoyancy effect. Take for example, people suffering from osteoarthritis of the shoulder and neck can practice shoulder rolls and arm circles in the water by improving the strength and range of motion. They will not experience pain due to the warmth of the hot tub spa, due to water providing the necessary resistance and support through buoyancy effect. 

<b>Need for hot tub spa accessories and supplies:</b>

Specific hot tub accessories and supplies are very much needed for the hygienic and proper functioning of a home spa. When people think of hot tubs and home spas they just think of a tub made of wood filled with hot water, but on the contrary it is a very complex piece of machinery, known to only people familiar with hot tubs or those who are trying to purchase by doing some research on it. For the safety and hygienic conditions of the hot tubs, it is very necessary to purchase all the spa essentials.

Hot water tub spas should be purified continuously. Normally bromine and chlorine are added to the water to avoid bacteria and other micro organisms to grow in it. There are other supplies which play similar role of pH balancers, alkaline test kits, water test kits and other test strips which are used to determine the levels of particular compounds in water. Certain supplies like scum absorbers or calcium deposit removers are used to remove any calcium deposits accumulated in the hot tubs. Scum absorbers skim the water surface and help in the absorption of debris, dirt and other unwanted particles. These little resources if used consistently they will relieve the work load of filtering the water in the hot tub spas. Filters and catridges specially designed for filtering should be replaced very often.

 Many of us, perhaps most, will admit to feeling anxious on a regular basis and often even depressed, perhaps due to pressures of work, home life, or any of a multitude of other causes. However most of us are not clinically depressed or anxious, to the point where our lives and health are affected detrimentally. 

The minority who do find their lives blighted by these conditions can often be found to be suffering from one or all of the following: self harm and potentially suicidal thoughts, insomnia, lack of sex drive, inactivity and tiredness, and lack of concentration. 

Certainly where someone is feeling so anxious or depressed that the medical profession would categorize them as clinically depressed or anxious immediate help should be sought from a professional. However where someone is suffering from a milder form of anxiety then there may be alternatives to the common anti-depressant drugs that often appear to make things worse for less serious cases. Alternative treatments could include herbs for anxiety and depression, although it is always wise to seek medical help before starting any herbal medications, especially if you are already taking any other forms of medication.

Popular herbs for anxiety and depression include St. Johns Wort, Kava, Passion Flower, Ginseng and SAM-e, and many have reported positive benefits to taking these herbs. St. Johns Wort probably has the largest body of supporting evidence and is widely used. Again remember that you should consult your physician before taking any medication, even herbal, and do not take multiple herbal remedies at the same time without consultation with a professional.

There exists a significant problem in taking herbs for anxiety and depression, and other ailments, and that is that unlike other medications government and international drug regulation agencies are not required to test and approve their use. This can mean that drugs could become available that have unforeseen side effects. However many herbs have been used in medical applications for much longer than their modern chemical counterparts and so there exists a large body of admittedly anecdotal evidence backing their medicinal properties. 

The critical point to remember is that there are no guarantees with herbal treatments, and care must be taken to ensure you are not exposing yourself to additional problems and side effects. There is little doubt a herbal substitute for a conventional drug, used in moderation, should provide some relief with less of the addictive dangers associated with prescription meds, but it cannot always be assumed that herbs will be a safer option. Do not assume they are a miracle cure and always take heed of the dosage recommendations.

 Are you the parent of a child who is often depressed? Are you a child who often feels down in the dumps and depressed? This article offers advice for both parents, other family members and children about how to deal with, reduce and even eradicate this depression.

I remember from my own childhood having many periods when I was very unhappy and sad. I was the type of person who would let aspects from my life get on top of me which would at times affect my sleep patterns. I found growing up through childhood, into a teenager and ultimately into my adulthood as one big choir and struggle. I was forever comparing my own life to that of my brother, sister and friends. Their lives seemed so much easier than what mine was and this made me feel quite jealous of them.

Looking back one of my faults was that I was not willing to discuss my worries and fears with my parents and basically kept them bottled up inside of me. This meant of course that I had to deal with each and every issue (problem) on my own without any outside help or advice. I wish that I had been more open with my family as I think my life would have been that much happier if I had.

I am now a parent of two children myself and am always looking out for them. I try and gage how they are coping with life and if I feel that they are in an unhappy period or mood, I then attempt to find out what is causing this by trying to talk to them. They are not always happy to discuss these issues but I then make sure that they understand that I will be here for them when they are ready to open up. I talk to them about my own childhood and about the mistakes I feel that I made by keeping my own worries to myself.

I want my children to realise that they can talk to me about any aspect of their life and that I will be here to help and not judge them. Life in general, with school as an example, can at times be quite tough, with things such as bullying affecting a lot of children. There is the added pressure of examinations and also trying to establish ones self within a group of friends. Moving schools and going through all of the bodily changes can also be quite uncomfortable for many children.

As a family we try to make our childrens home life as enjoyable and relaxed as possible. This includes many family days out and where financially possible, a family holiday abroad in the summer. 

My advice to any parent who has an unhappy or often depressed child would be to be very patient with them through these periods. I, as I have already stated would try and get them to talk about what is making them feel in this way and if they do not want to talk, would let them know that I am there for them if they do ever want a chat etc.

My advice for a child who is feeling depressed would be to talk to your family, a friend or a teacher. They say that a problem shared is a problem halved and I really believe in this statement. You do not have to be alone in this world and the advice that you are given could be of huge benefit to you. Despite what you might think all children have problems and worry about many different aspects of their own life. Your parents were of course children many moons ago and may have experience in the issues which you are not happy about. Do not make the same mistakes that I did by keeping these problems to yourself as it does not help to reduce your fears or depression.

 Today’s life is fast paced, hectic and very competitive making people to crave for leisure time. The leisure time away from the busy schedule is treated as an eternal time and health resort spas offer such heavenly leisure pursuit. Resort in general is a place for relaxation and recreation. The main activities of such resorts include indulging oneself with great drink, food, sports activities, lodging, shopping and entertainment. Resorts can be one of the either, one like the town which itself is a place for tourism and holidaying where most of the local activities take place, generally not run by one company, or it can be a vacation centre which is run by one company providing all the needs and wants of the vacationers during their stay. Spas are places which are believed to provide health to the people through soaking in water. The water used is a mineral water or water drawn from hot springs. Some may even include cold water for treatments. Among different spa types available like the holiday spas, destination or resort spas and trim spas – specific for weight loss regime, the health resort spas use thermal bath or balneotherapy or hydrotherapy for giving health benefits to the users.

Health resort spas are closely associated with tourism and travel. They are very popular, as business tours often involve making the much required deals while doing it completely at leisure. This is the main reason for the transition of hotels, resorts and spas into health resort spas.

Health resort spas of Asia are very famous. They are attracting people from all over the world who come for beauty and health solutions. Asian health resort spas adopt the healing wisdom of spiritual gurus and spa experts, a haven or organic and natural way of living. Some of the health resort spas are located in a tranquil, serene environment pampering the clients with a variety of massages, body treatments, health related therapies and making the experience an unforgettable one for most of them.

<b>Treatments offered by health resort spas of Asia:</b>

Health resort spas of Asia use some of the ancient holistic and spiritual healing treatments like the yoga, Reiki and Ayurveda which are meant for restoring inner calm, improving memory, balancing emotions, refreshing the body, enhancing skin complexion by exfoliation, cleaning and toning, reducing weight while strengthening the muscles and bones etc. The very famous cranial therapy is used to balance the circulation of the liquid around the brain releasing any accumulated stress by applying gentle movements on the vertebrae and skull. They also use ingredients which are available in the kitchen for natural facemasks like the papaya mask, honey mask, healing herbs, sea salt face scrub etc. Aroma therapy massage offered in these health resort spas blends essential oils to rejuvenate and relax the body. Some of the latest treatments include traditional Chinese medication, gem therapy, crystal therapy and light, color and sound filtered through the body in a steam room, using flower essences etc. They aim in revitalizing the mind, soul and the body through the above processes.

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