April 2020

 Curiously easily diagnosable and treatable medical problem, depression happens to at least 20 million American adults every year. As we discussed earlier, although everyone has experienced sadness and feelings of being depressed, people that are suffering from true depression have many frequent and recurring long-term symptoms, making them view life as something not worth living.

How would you know if you have a depression problem? Here are more depression symptoms. These symptoms vary in each person, although if these happen to you, it might be wise to consult a doctor.

- Sadness that is prolonged

- Crying spells that are unexplained

- Significant and abrupt changes in sleep patterns and appetite

- Anger, irritability, anxiety, worry, agitation

- Pessimism, indifference

- Energy loss

- Persistent lethargy

- Guilt feelings and unexplained sense of worthlessness

- Difficulty in concentrating and indecisiveness

- Inability in taking pleasure in interests you previously enjoy

- Social withdrawal

- Unexplained pains and aches

- Extreme fatigue when you have not done much

- Recurring and frequent thoughts of suicide or death

If you are experiencing at least five of the symptoms listed above and have begun interfering with family activities or work for more than a week, ask your doctor for a thorough checkup. This would most likely include having a comprehensive physical exam (although some symptoms might be caused by other health problems that you have) and a detailed clinical history. Just be honest and open on what and how you are feeling.

Do not even think of diagnosing yourself. Likewise, you cannot rely to a friend or a member of your family for diagnosis. Only a doctor that is properly trained to check illnesses is the only one that can fully determine if you are having a depression episode.

If you want, you could try self-evaluation tests available on the Internet that could help you gauge the symptoms that you have, or at least, can prepare you when you visit your doctor. Think of these tests as a way of communicating your symptoms better to a healthcare professional when you go in for a visit. Of course, online tests prove no match to an actual consultation.

For other people, depression is recurrent, which simply means that they experience depression episodes often - once or twice in a month, at least once a year, or many times throughout their lifetimes.

Do not feel embarrassed, shy, or ashamed of your depression problem. People of various ages, ethnic groups, races, and social classes get this problem. Although depression can happen at any given age, depression commonly develops in people whose ages lie between 25 and 44. If you have a depression problem, you're not the only one. Every day, there are more than 20 million American adults that are experiencing depression problems.

Be persistent and patient and you will find the method that suits you best for determining depression.

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 Depression is a disorder that does not get nearly enough attention. Depressed people are often told to "cheer up" or to "look at the bright side" of things, and may spiral even deeper when they are unable to simply snap out of the mood that has such a hold on them. While depression can often lead to fatigue and listlessness, it has a close cousin by the name of anxiety. Anxiety causes the opposite effect, putting our bodies into the "fight or flight" mode that protected us in the wild. 

Anxiety attacks can feel like heart attacks, and even at more moderate levels, anxiety can have a dangerous and very negative effect on our lives and on our quality of living. Anxiety can also lead into depression, when a sense of worry and fear for the future leads into the sense of helplessness and hopelessness. That is a classic symptom of depression. Depression and anxiety are often seen together, and can sometimes lead into one another. 

Anxiety is a way of describing a certain way of feeling. It may represent a sense of fear, dread, or a sense that you are in immediate danger, even when you are safe and have no reason to feel this way. There are several different kinds of anxiety disorders, including phobias or irrational fears, situational anxiety, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders among others. 

These disorders can lead to a state of almost constant high stress, and can affect your daily life much to the worse. You may be unable to function in certain situations, or you may come to fear leaving your own home, and if untreated, the symptoms of anxiety disorders can lead to many of the same problems as depression, including insomnia or a reluctance or fear to leave the house or to be around other people. 

<b>Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression</b><br>
Anxiety symptoms can also feel like heart attacks, with palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pains, and more. You might begin trembling and shaking, your mouth might go dry, and you might become dizzy from the stress of the situation. The body becomes "hyped up" by your reaction to the situation, and your senses go into a sort of overdrive that is unlike the depression of the system that happens when you suffer from clinical depression. 

Depression disorder actually slows the body in some ways, making you feel sluggish rather than ready to run or fight, and hopeless rather than actively panicked or fearful. If you have been suffering from anxiety attacks, the attacks themselves may lead into depression because of the hopelessness that you feel at the hands of the attacks and because of the fears that are associated with possibly having another attack. 

If your anxiety symptoms have changed to include listlessness, a disinterest in things that used to engage you, or feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing, then you may now be suffering from depression disorder, and should be treated accordingly for your medical condition. 

Depression is not a constant state of being, nor is anxiety. You might think that because you have a good number of "good days" that your depressive days are just bad moments that will pass, however depression can become worse over time if it is not treated and taken care of, and can lead to suicide if left untreated long enough. 

<b>Anxiety and Depression Treatments</b><br>
Anxiety can worsen over time as well if it is not handled properly. There are ways to help with anxiety even without medication. Therapies are different depending on the type of anxiety that affects you and on the level of anxiety that you suffer. For a phobia, you might be exposed at increasing levels to the thing that you are afraid of. Other therapies might require talking your problems out, and others might just provide techniques to help you ride out your panic attacks and get on with life without letting them affect you more than necessary. 

Depression treatments are also varied, mostly depending on your own personal preference. Medication can provide you with an effective way of dealing with depression; however medication is not for everyone. If you are not interested in medication, then you might consider other kinds of therapies with a psychologist who has experience working with depression. 

Depression and anxiety are related disorders that can have a huge impact on your overall health and quality of life if left untreated. However, both are manageable conditions that do not have to have an effect on your daily life.

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 While not necessarily addictive, antidepressant drugs can cause serious side effects that lead to erratic behavior. Such side effects create a dangerous situation in the workplace, the home, while driving and in many other instances. Those antidepressant drugs of particular concern are tricyclic antidepressants.

Amitriptyline is an antidepressant drug that goes by the brand name Limbitrol. Nortriptyline is also a part of the tricyclic antidepressant family and is prescribed as Aventyl and Pamelor. Doxepin is used to treat both depression and anxiety and can be found under the names Adapin and Sinequan. Desipramine is sometimes also prescribed to treat eating disorders and withdrawal symptoms from cocaine addiction. It is sold under the name brands Norpramin and Pertofrane. 

How Do Tricyclic Antidepressants Work?

Antidepressants work by helping to maintain certain levels of neurotransmitters, chemicals called serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. These chemicals help to regulate mood and modes of thinking. By elevating a person suffering from depression’s mood, antidepressants alleviate the feelings of hopelessness, sadness and the general lack of interest in living associated with their condition. The medication is typically taken as an antidepressant pill, but is also available in syrup form. 

Effects of Antidepressant Drugs

Antidepressant drugs, especially tricyclic antidepressant drugs can cause a whole array of side effects. Side effects include, upset stomach, dry mouth, increase in skin sensitivity, insomnia, drowsiness, changes in sex drive, changes in appetite and confusion. Serious antidepressant side effects that require medical attention include constipation, difficulty in speaking, irregular heartbeat, trembling, stiffness of limbs and hallucinations. Tricyclic antidepressants also create an increased likelihood of thoughts of suicide and attempts in children and adolescents. Any sudden behavior changes, mood swings or extreme agitation should be relayed to your child’s doctor.

Signs of Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdoses

Someone overdosing on tricyclic antidepressants exhibits many signs and should be taken to a medical facility immediately. Warning signs of a potential overdose include seizures, dilated pupils, pounding or irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, difficulty breathing, severe drowsiness, and vomiting. 

How To Test For Antidepressant Drugs

While antidepressant drugs are a prescription medication with legitimate uses, they can be potentially dangerous to those who work in fields that require the operation of heavy machinery and other hazardous activities. There are many different kinds of drug testing kits that test for tricyclic antidepressants in one’s system, such as urine drug tests, saliva drug tests and hair follicle drug tests. 

Having an employee that is under the influence of antidepressant drugs such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline or doxepin can be potentially dangerous, not only to themselves, but to other employees and the health of your company. That is why performing drug tests at your workplace to detect antidepressant use can keep your workers safe, your reputation sound and your company producing to the best of its ability. 

As a parent, the prescription drugs your child or teenager is taking is obviously of concern to you. But the potential side effects of some drugs like tricyclic antidepressants are astounding and should be carefully monitored. To test your teen for amitriptyline use, nortriptyline use, doxepin use, desirpramine use and other antidepressant drugs that have been shown to increase the likelihood of suicidal thoughts in adolescents, a drug test kit can help to calm your mind and decide what is best for your child.

 Hot tubs and spas are a fantastic way of getting water therapy that is very much required to refresh the body and the mind. The physical properties of water make it a very useful and helpful medium for treating the muscles, back and neck pain. Water is used for providing hydrotherapy and hydro massage which is related to viscosity and buoyancy effect of water. The buoyancy or floatation effect of the water helps in counter acting the gravity to a limited extent by providing support to the body weight. This can be controlled with use of different massage seats inside the hot tub. This buoyancy effect supports simple workouts like flexing and stretching inside the hot tub. 

The viscosity of the water in the hot tub provides the necessary friction and with pressure from air jets relieves the pains and aches and strengthens the muscles, while lowering the risk of getting injured due to balance loss. The hydrostatic pressure improves the lung and heart function and also aids in enhancing the blood flow. Also hot tubs and spas have high pressure jets fixed to it by giving a massage similar to the itching and stinging type which may not penetrate deeply to allow the person get the most needed relief from pain. These jets can be changed in the hot tubs and spas according to the therapy needs. All the above properties when joined together allows to treat pains and aches due to the reduction in weight of the body placed in the stretched position in the hot tub due to buoyancy effect. Take for example, people suffering from osteoarthritis of the shoulder and neck can practice shoulder rolls and arm circles in the water by improving the strength and range of motion. They will not experience pain due to the warmth of the hot tub spa, due to water providing the necessary resistance and support through buoyancy effect. 

<b>Need for hot tub spa accessories and supplies:</b>

Specific hot tub accessories and supplies are very much needed for the hygienic and proper functioning of a home spa. When people think of hot tubs and home spas they just think of a tub made of wood filled with hot water, but on the contrary it is a very complex piece of machinery, known to only people familiar with hot tubs or those who are trying to purchase by doing some research on it. For the safety and hygienic conditions of the hot tubs, it is very necessary to purchase all the spa essentials.

Hot water tub spas should be purified continuously. Normally bromine and chlorine are added to the water to avoid bacteria and other micro organisms to grow in it. There are other supplies which play similar role of pH balancers, alkaline test kits, water test kits and other test strips which are used to determine the levels of particular compounds in water. Certain supplies like scum absorbers or calcium deposit removers are used to remove any calcium deposits accumulated in the hot tubs. Scum absorbers skim the water surface and help in the absorption of debris, dirt and other unwanted particles. These little resources if used consistently they will relieve the work load of filtering the water in the hot tub spas. Filters and catridges specially designed for filtering should be replaced very often.

 Many of us, perhaps most, will admit to feeling anxious on a regular basis and often even depressed, perhaps due to pressures of work, home life, or any of a multitude of other causes. However most of us are not clinically depressed or anxious, to the point where our lives and health are affected detrimentally. 

The minority who do find their lives blighted by these conditions can often be found to be suffering from one or all of the following: self harm and potentially suicidal thoughts, insomnia, lack of sex drive, inactivity and tiredness, and lack of concentration. 

Certainly where someone is feeling so anxious or depressed that the medical profession would categorize them as clinically depressed or anxious immediate help should be sought from a professional. However where someone is suffering from a milder form of anxiety then there may be alternatives to the common anti-depressant drugs that often appear to make things worse for less serious cases. Alternative treatments could include herbs for anxiety and depression, although it is always wise to seek medical help before starting any herbal medications, especially if you are already taking any other forms of medication.

Popular herbs for anxiety and depression include St. Johns Wort, Kava, Passion Flower, Ginseng and SAM-e, and many have reported positive benefits to taking these herbs. St. Johns Wort probably has the largest body of supporting evidence and is widely used. Again remember that you should consult your physician before taking any medication, even herbal, and do not take multiple herbal remedies at the same time without consultation with a professional.

There exists a significant problem in taking herbs for anxiety and depression, and other ailments, and that is that unlike other medications government and international drug regulation agencies are not required to test and approve their use. This can mean that drugs could become available that have unforeseen side effects. However many herbs have been used in medical applications for much longer than their modern chemical counterparts and so there exists a large body of admittedly anecdotal evidence backing their medicinal properties. 

The critical point to remember is that there are no guarantees with herbal treatments, and care must be taken to ensure you are not exposing yourself to additional problems and side effects. There is little doubt a herbal substitute for a conventional drug, used in moderation, should provide some relief with less of the addictive dangers associated with prescription meds, but it cannot always be assumed that herbs will be a safer option. Do not assume they are a miracle cure and always take heed of the dosage recommendations.

 Are you the parent of a child who is often depressed? Are you a child who often feels down in the dumps and depressed? This article offers advice for both parents, other family members and children about how to deal with, reduce and even eradicate this depression.

I remember from my own childhood having many periods when I was very unhappy and sad. I was the type of person who would let aspects from my life get on top of me which would at times affect my sleep patterns. I found growing up through childhood, into a teenager and ultimately into my adulthood as one big choir and struggle. I was forever comparing my own life to that of my brother, sister and friends. Their lives seemed so much easier than what mine was and this made me feel quite jealous of them.

Looking back one of my faults was that I was not willing to discuss my worries and fears with my parents and basically kept them bottled up inside of me. This meant of course that I had to deal with each and every issue (problem) on my own without any outside help or advice. I wish that I had been more open with my family as I think my life would have been that much happier if I had.

I am now a parent of two children myself and am always looking out for them. I try and gage how they are coping with life and if I feel that they are in an unhappy period or mood, I then attempt to find out what is causing this by trying to talk to them. They are not always happy to discuss these issues but I then make sure that they understand that I will be here for them when they are ready to open up. I talk to them about my own childhood and about the mistakes I feel that I made by keeping my own worries to myself.

I want my children to realise that they can talk to me about any aspect of their life and that I will be here to help and not judge them. Life in general, with school as an example, can at times be quite tough, with things such as bullying affecting a lot of children. There is the added pressure of examinations and also trying to establish ones self within a group of friends. Moving schools and going through all of the bodily changes can also be quite uncomfortable for many children.

As a family we try to make our childrens home life as enjoyable and relaxed as possible. This includes many family days out and where financially possible, a family holiday abroad in the summer. 

My advice to any parent who has an unhappy or often depressed child would be to be very patient with them through these periods. I, as I have already stated would try and get them to talk about what is making them feel in this way and if they do not want to talk, would let them know that I am there for them if they do ever want a chat etc.

My advice for a child who is feeling depressed would be to talk to your family, a friend or a teacher. They say that a problem shared is a problem halved and I really believe in this statement. You do not have to be alone in this world and the advice that you are given could be of huge benefit to you. Despite what you might think all children have problems and worry about many different aspects of their own life. Your parents were of course children many moons ago and may have experience in the issues which you are not happy about. Do not make the same mistakes that I did by keeping these problems to yourself as it does not help to reduce your fears or depression.

 Today’s life is fast paced, hectic and very competitive making people to crave for leisure time. The leisure time away from the busy schedule is treated as an eternal time and health resort spas offer such heavenly leisure pursuit. Resort in general is a place for relaxation and recreation. The main activities of such resorts include indulging oneself with great drink, food, sports activities, lodging, shopping and entertainment. Resorts can be one of the either, one like the town which itself is a place for tourism and holidaying where most of the local activities take place, generally not run by one company, or it can be a vacation centre which is run by one company providing all the needs and wants of the vacationers during their stay. Spas are places which are believed to provide health to the people through soaking in water. The water used is a mineral water or water drawn from hot springs. Some may even include cold water for treatments. Among different spa types available like the holiday spas, destination or resort spas and trim spas – specific for weight loss regime, the health resort spas use thermal bath or balneotherapy or hydrotherapy for giving health benefits to the users.

Health resort spas are closely associated with tourism and travel. They are very popular, as business tours often involve making the much required deals while doing it completely at leisure. This is the main reason for the transition of hotels, resorts and spas into health resort spas.

Health resort spas of Asia are very famous. They are attracting people from all over the world who come for beauty and health solutions. Asian health resort spas adopt the healing wisdom of spiritual gurus and spa experts, a haven or organic and natural way of living. Some of the health resort spas are located in a tranquil, serene environment pampering the clients with a variety of massages, body treatments, health related therapies and making the experience an unforgettable one for most of them.

<b>Treatments offered by health resort spas of Asia:</b>

Health resort spas of Asia use some of the ancient holistic and spiritual healing treatments like the yoga, Reiki and Ayurveda which are meant for restoring inner calm, improving memory, balancing emotions, refreshing the body, enhancing skin complexion by exfoliation, cleaning and toning, reducing weight while strengthening the muscles and bones etc. The very famous cranial therapy is used to balance the circulation of the liquid around the brain releasing any accumulated stress by applying gentle movements on the vertebrae and skull. They also use ingredients which are available in the kitchen for natural facemasks like the papaya mask, honey mask, healing herbs, sea salt face scrub etc. Aroma therapy massage offered in these health resort spas blends essential oils to rejuvenate and relax the body. Some of the latest treatments include traditional Chinese medication, gem therapy, crystal therapy and light, color and sound filtered through the body in a steam room, using flower essences etc. They aim in revitalizing the mind, soul and the body through the above processes.

 Spas are places where a person can get a wide range of health treatments and beauty treatments that are meant to relax and relieve the person from stress and strain. Due to extreme stress in professional life, spas have become more popular offering relaxation treatments with a bigger price tag. The word spa is derived from Latin “solus per aqua”, which means health through water. The spa concept of immersing the body of the person in water to restore and maintain health is considered to be very important to life. According to Sebastain Kneipp, father of hydrotherapy, water and herbs mixed in the right combination; can be used to cure any illness. Today’s modern life style has made people feel sick, stress and exhausted. To maintain a good balanced diet, good exercise and enough rest has become a real challenging issue for both men and women. They get stress from working all the day and get even more aggravated when doing the household chores after the day’s work.

There are different kinds of spas like the day spas where the person has to make an appointment and get treated. Resort spas are like staying in a hotel, spas on cruise ships as one of the relaxing ways, medical spas which are run by medical practitioners to treat patients, home spas for daily indulgence in homes etc. The spa treatments include facials, massages, sauna and other skin and body treatments like pedicure, manicure etc. Some spas are dedicated to particular health aspects like weight loss regime or for back pain treatment.

Latest breakthrough in spa technology involves ultrasonic waves, ozone negative ions and far infrared rays into a single portable home spa machine. This machine provides relief from stress and from common illnesses. Studies have revealed that five minutes of ultrasonic bubble treatment is equal to massage done for an hour. Like the traditional massage of applying pressure directly on the body tissues, this too applies pressure by dilating the cells and penetrating the skin. This ultrasonic home spa provides relaxation and massage to the body, cleans deeply, provides internal warming, beauty contouring etc. For an aroma hydrotherapy to be done at home, one needs to add few drops of herbal oils like the sandalwood oil, citrus oil or lavender oil to enjoy and feel the natural healing of a waterfall, forest bath or a hot spring.

<b>Health benefits of home spas:</b>

Apart from making the person relaxed and rejuvenated, a home spa can even benefit them health-wise too. A home spa can improve the health of a person when used with bath oils and spa salts. It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the body. It enhances the oxygenation of the extremities and joints, blood circulation is improved. The muscles are toned with a youthful and glowing complexion. It increases the metabolic rate, enhancing the power to burn calories quickly and promotes weight loss.
It normalizes the blood pressure levels, lowers the cholesterol levels, balances acid-alkaline levels in the body, boosts immunity, improves the flow of lymph, reduces aches and pains of the muscles and joints, enhances the mood and improves the digestive system.

 Healing of the hidden self will better all aspects of our lives, both the professional aspects as well as the personal aspects. Self-control is one of the crucial lessons of self-development and healing the hidden self, since it will lead us to becoming had better people overall. If we are able to show self-control in many situations, we will be able to overcome them and avoid the associated stress. It is crucial that we adapt and grow in life and become individuals that are more self-controlled. 

Self-control is developed through the processes of healing the hidden self. In dealing with receptivity, the need for self-control is of the utmost importance. It is vital that we are all able to control ourselves when faced with situations in life. Receptivity is one of the components that prepare us with the mental attitudes that are needed for the control of our concentration and the control of our will. We are able to exhibit self-control when faced with many problems in life. It works to aid in the directing of our attentions, the withholding of our judgements and many other aspects of our self-control. We learn to accept the things that we cannot change and change the things that are within our power. We learn to act in a controlled manner and change our behaviour to suit situations that we face. 

We all have to be receptive to change. Life is dynamic and does not remain constant. If we are trapped in the mindset where we cannot adapt to change then we are directed along a path that leads to the lost of self-control. We all have to wake up to the reality that when we show self-control we avoid many problems in life. We are made better overall and are able to handle anything that the world throws at us. We are able to face all the issues that arise in living head on.

The fact is that we all have our own unique mannerisms that are used in the handling of situations. We are not able to be normal all the time and this is a factor that contributes to the need for self-control. There are times we will let our emotions get the best of us but when this occurs the end result can be worst than the previous situation. It is here that we all see the apparent need for self-control. We need to be able to face our problems head on and logically rather than emotionally. Logic can provide us with the best reaction to the situation. Yet to build logic, we must learn to analyze and continue to heal the hidden self. 

When we are stressed and cannot see our way through a problem, it is often because the subliminal mind hinders us from seeing. Once you start to explore this mind you, can control you and work easily through the process of healing the hidden self.  We can redirect our thoughts to the positive aspects of our lives and fulfil our lives. If we always focus on the stresses in our lives, we will be soon overburdened. In order to progress well we have to open up our minds and hearts and be in control of our emotions and physical reactions. It is quite possible at times to forget about the important things in life and to focus only on the negatives. This is not the best attitude and it we are in control of our thoughts then we will be able to redirect ourselves to action that is more positive.

 In our lives, days are not always the same. On some days we feel great, other times we have worries. Sometimes we are relaxed, other times we are tensed with worries on our mind.

In these conditions, friends, even the best foods will not be digested-at least properly that is. In addition, considering the many abominable food combinations most of our meals are prepared under and the general use of junk and unnatural substances for consumption, eating when dealing with a problem will quite simply lead to fermentation and poisoning of the body as these items will never be digested.

Strong emotions that characterize depression such as worry, fear, sadness and anger stop the rhythmic conditions of the stomach walls and dry out the stomach as well. As a matter of fact, too much joy and happiness will do likewise.

If you observe angry and frightened animals and even babies, they have a tendency to refrain from eating, until after a passage of considerable time, these emotional states have passed off.

Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most of us will eat large meals under these circumstances, which will be mostly disease forming foods to start with, that as a consequence, complicates or altogether halts an already retarded ongoing digestion.

From all the indications above, a depressed person simply needs a fast (abstinence from eating) not a feast.  The body and the mind need all their physical, mental and spiritual energy to meet challenging circumstances and since much energy is actually required to digest, process and assimilate food, one actually could be adding fuel to a fire from eating (especially too much) when under stress.

Perhaps this is why in the Bible and as documented in other religious faiths, when most people in the olden days such as David, Esther and Paul, were facing trying times, they simply retreated to a place of solitude and abstained from eating.

Renowned hygienist, Albert Mosseri, explains it best when he says: <b>“Life’s difficulties are not as overwhelming when the stomach is empty. Calm comes back and discouragement fades away. Enthusiasm is reborn and hope comes back.  All the miseries will then seem less important then they first seemed.”</b>

It may not be what would solve the problem at hand but it will help the mind to focus on fixing what the problem is, so friends as a tool for dealing with life’s challenges abstain from eating till the problem is solved. When you succeed at that, then it may be time to have a feast.

 Day spas are places of euphoric feeling of happiness providing relaxation from daily personal or professional stress and strain. Day spas offer services like therapies, massages, body wraps, facials, or any kind of specialized treatments during day time. Unlike the destination spas or resort spas, the treatment can last from one hour to one full day while being in a serene environment away from daily chores and tensions. There are thousands of day spas offering specialized services. Some day spas cater to only specific requirements like the couple spas, escape day spas etc. Waxing is a common service offered in the day spa centre. The body hair is removed with the use of warm wax. The day spa centers are very clean and comfortable. The customers can receive the treatments in their private rooms. If a shower is needed before starting the treatment, showering facilities also are made available for both men and women.

A good quality day spa centre will be typically operated by an esthetician who has got a license to work in the above field. Also trained therapists are employed in the day spa centers specialized in massages and other services. Spa shoes and robes are made available in all sizes to cater to different clients. Many varieties of massages are offered in the day spas like the deep muscle or shiatsu, or Swedish. Apart from waxing, they also provide laser hair removal, heat treatments, and pedicure and manicure treatments. They also have a sauna or a hot tub generally.

Important things to be kept in mind while in a day spa:

Before getting the treatment it is good to explain the spa staff of any health problems like high blood pressure, pregnancy etc. People, who are under medication, should consult the doctor before getting spa treatment.

Many day spas give a questionnaire to be filled and up before providing the services to the customers and the customers are required to provide all the information which will be helpful in serving better and handle with care in case of emergencies.

It is always better to ask for certification, credentials and license pertaining to day spas as some may have untrained and inexperienced worked. Unless there is enough time one should never get into the day spa as it may be waste of money and time.

Taking a treatment in a group, or when opting for a whole package or corporate booking, may be eligible for a discount. It is better to enquire people who have taken the service of the particular day spa to ensure better quality of service. Usually the best day spas offer individualistic services. Hence, it is very important to get suitable appointment time before hand.

It is good to go with minimum accessories and if possible with no make up at all. Also details regarding the latest products and treatments should be got from the staffs of the day spas to be well informed. Some day spas may levy different taxes or surcharges included in the total price. So, it is better to check the prices in advance.

 When we face depressive situations our minds and thoughts are usually clouded with worry, fear, anxiety and sadness. Needless to say, diverting our minds from these emotional states-at least temporarily- may help with dealing with them. 

Friends, one sure-fire way to accomplish this is through exercise.

“Aw, boy…? Is he saying I have to go to the gym or jump down and do a bunch of push-ups, I don’t feel like it and besides I’m not in shape...”

If that was your initial response, don’t worry, it’s not about muscle building or ‘body punishment’. Simple to moderate exercises can and will do just fine.

However, I must stress friends that exercising-even 10-15 minutes or less-is quite helpful for handling stress as this engages the motor centers of the brain, making the blood flow away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to positive thoughts. 

Now, based on my personal experiences with dealing with my problems and admittedly, on some bad days- in spite of how much I believe in positive thinking and all…, I’ve found the following exercises to be very, very effective as ‘pick-me-uppers’ for the day.

You will observe that they are Yogic in nature, however, as true as that is, I tend to think they are versatile enough for anybody to do. (As long as you keep in mind that the goal here isn’t building muscle, just something to get our minds off stressful situations)

Here are the exercises:

<b>1. The Sun Salutations:</b>

The sun exercises stimulates and balances all systems of the body including the endocrine and nervous systems that have marked effects on our emotions, furthermore they induce deep breathing, which has been known over the ages to help alleviate many a stressful situation. Performed in rounds of 3, they actually are a combination of very simple movements executed in a flowing motion. 

<b>2. Hindu Push-Ups: </b>

These actually are best described as “Downward-and-Upward Facing-dog-meets-Calisthenics.” Nonetheless, these are quite simply great. As a matter of fact, I almost swore off Yoga for these babies till it dawned on me that it’s still Yoga, basically poses in motion. However as pick-me-uppers, these work.

Hardly has there ever been a time when I did them and didn’t almost immediately have lethargy and sadness thrown off and have enthusiasm, joy and happiness miraculously restored as positive replacements.

Now, although these are my personal favorites, hey, feel free to explore whatever can get your heart-rate up such as simple jumping jacks, hikes in the park, jogging, dancing or even sex with the one you love.

Combining these simple exercises with such drug-free factors as intentional positive thinking and proper diet (which ironically demands for abstinence from even the best of foods at time), I can confidently say one will be well on one’s way to overcoming the problems and challenges we all face in our daily lives. 
Moreover, these principles form the basis of improved health naturally.

So, when next stress starts to creep in and you need a relief, get in motion with your favorite activities. With exercise, even a little bit, does help.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje

 Would you like to move your life ahead in spite of worry and fear? Everyone has fears and worries, what sets us apart is our ability to deal with them and move on. This article will show you how to manage your worries and fears, so you free yourself from them.  This is the place to obtain quick, action-oriented advice on steps you can take right now to reduce your fears and worries.

The first step in managing your fears and worries is to recognize that you have them, and then to make them real.  

Write out a list of each of the fears and worries you have.  Many of the items on your list will not stand the light of day.  You will immediately realize that some of them are silly or just aren’t things you should be worried about.  Take each of these items off the list.

Next, take each item and make a list of all the things you can do about it.  This shows you that in most cases you will be worried about something that you can't control at all and that your worry serves no purpose. Vow not to worry about things you can’t control and take them off your list. In the case where you can do something to reduce the worry, your sense of control is enhanced, making you feel better.  

Now, ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen with each worry.  In most cases you will find you can live with even the worst outcome and this will also make you feel better. 

Once you are down to a hard-core list of fears and worries that you can control, set up a plan to control them.  What options do you have?  Who can you ask for help?  Exactly what has to be done, when?  Realize you have a lot of control here and give yourself credit for taking action as you do so in order to lift your spirits. 

Also, it helps to realize that you can feel the fear and still take action.  Fear serves a purpose in that it is a great “alert” mechanism that helps us stay out of trouble.  But once we “get the message” fear has done its job and starts to get in the way. Fear and worry can be a positive if we use it as a call to action and fix a problem.  If you acknowledge the fear, and then proceed with what you need to do, you will find you are able to function in spite of the fear. 

Here are some other tips that will help you feel better.  Make an effort to concentrate on breathing.  We tend to limit our breathing when we are fearful. You will feel better, the more you breathe.  Also, meditation will help reduce stress and take your mind off your worries. Visualization and affirmations that help you focus on becoming positive in light of the situation can help you move forward while acknowledging the fear. Do not forget physical exercise as a way of reducing the stress that goes with fear and worry. 

Once you begin to have things under control, change your focus from the negative fears and worries, to the positive things in your life.  When you catch yourself worrying, bring new positive thoughts into your mind. Change your thinking from the “cup is half empty” to the “cup is half full”.  Suddenly things that were worries are now positives.  

Another way to help reduce the amount of fear and worry in your life in the future is to begin to do more planning on the things you will be doing.  Look for areas that could become problems and begin to cover all the contingences. Forward planning will build your self-confidence and ward off those nagging fears that something is not right. 

So now you have the tools necessary to reduce the fear and worry in your life and replace them with a justifiably positive attitude backed up with action and solutions.  Start using these tools right now and begin to live a happier life.

 Methadone is a prescription medication that is used to treat severe pain. It also helps those addicted to heroin to cease their use of the drug without experiencing horrendous withdrawal symptoms. Since heroin causes an excess of dopamine to be released into the brain, addicts feel a constant need for the drug to maintain this high. Methadone satisfies this need for an opiate without the euphoria associated with heroin. While users of methadone are ultimately transferring their dependence from one drug to another, they become more stable and no longer experience urgent impulses to take heroin. Once the desire to take heroin is completely diminished, patients are then weaned off of the methadone, although this process can sometimes take several years to complete.

Effects of Methadone Methadone side effects can vary greatly and should be closely monitored. Symptoms that are typical of methadone users include upset stomach, headache, drowsiness, constipation, dry mouth, insomnia, decreased sex drive and excessive sweating. Severe side effects should be reported to your doctor. These methadone side effects include lightheadedness, swelling of extremities, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing and chest pain.

A methadone overdose can be very serious. Should someone you know exhibit the symptoms, call 911 or poison control immediately. Warning signs of a methadone overdose include loss of consciousness, coma, difficulty breathing, extremely small pupils, clammy skin and loss of muscle tone.

It should also be noted that methadone has a high interaction ratio with other drugs. For instance, Elavil is the brand name for amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant. Taking both Elavil and methadone can be potentially hazardous. A methadone interaction with Elavil could cause a dangerously high dose of methadone to be released into your system, causing an overdose. Should an overdose not occur, it is still highly likely that once the Elavil exits your system, withdrawal symptoms will be experienced for the high levels of methadone that were previously experienced.

Symptoms of methadone withdrawal include dilated pupils, irritability, stomach pain, fever, sweating, runny nose and eyes and nausea.

Signs of Methadone Addiction As with any addiction, someone with a methadone addiction will do whatever it takes to continue taking the drug. Some may make their doctors believe they require a higher dosage of methadone, while others may “double up” on their dosages. Still others may continue to take heroin and use methadone as a “topper” of sorts. Methadone is addictive, and most who begin taking methadone as a means of ceasing an addiction to heroin or another opiate become addicted to the new drug. Tolerance and dependence develops, creating the need for a methadone detox program, which can take much longer to complete than many other rehabilitation programs.

How To Test For Methadone Abuse Methadone drug testing is an invaluable resource for many individuals, including employers, parents and government agencies. While methadone does have its legitimate purposes, extremely high doses of the substance can create dangerous side effects and should be monitored. Methadone drug tests come in a variety of forms including urine drug tests, saliva drug tests and hair drug tests. Each of these methods works very well in detecting methadone in an individual’s system. For a longer testing window, hair follicle methadone drug testing is the way to go. Results are achieved in a laboratory setting and can detect methadone use for up to the past 90 days.

Employers benefit from methadone drug tests, as they prevent potential drug-related liability claims, accidents and other misfortunes from occurring. Investing in a drug testing program helps to increase employee productivity and maintain the positive image you want for your company.

While methadone is a prescription substance, it can be obtained on the street illegally. Parents who are concerned about their children or teenager’s behavior can benefit from methadone drug testing tremendously. Drug test kits put your mind at rest and allow you to either put the question of whether or not drug use is occurring in your house behind you or take the next step in getting your teen drug rehabilitation.

 Depression is a medical condition, which cannot be ignored, and it has to be considered seriously. It is caused due to chemical changes and imbalances in the brain. These changes may be caused due to several factors. 

Many people may not know the actual reason for depression. Depression can be debilitating but now treatment is available to cope up with this condition. It has to be diagnosed properly in the initial stages.

These treatments help to stabilize the chemical imbalances in the brain and makes sure that the brain functions normally. In order to fight against depression you need to find out the reason for it and understand how it affects your normal life. 

Then you can go for the different treatment methods that are available nowadays and select the one, which suits and treats the condition, the best. There are different approaches for treatment of depression like medications, psychotherapy, talk therapy, meditation, Aromatherapy etc.

The common symptom seen in a person suffering from depression are feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, weight loss, feelings of sadness, extreme pessimism, lack of sleep, loss of interest in activities, feelings of loneliness and sadness etc. 

Depression can also cause severe mood disorders. Some women suffer from depression during the post partum period. They will not be able to bond with the new born baby. They have to be treated with the help of the doctor. They need support and medical attention to overcome this phase.

Another type of depression is the bipolar disorder where the patient suffers from extreme mood swings such as intense highs and crippling lows. For them life seems to be a roller coaster ride.

There are several medications available to treat such conditions. Depression can be managed just like any other medical disorder of the body like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. All that you need is the positive attitude and the will power and determination to fight it. Besides medications you can also choose different holistic approaches to fight depression.

You can join some activities such as a laughter club, where you can divert your mind and get your mind involved in some soothing activities. Sometimes you may have to change your entire life style or move to a different place in order to fight out depression.

You cannot expect a change overnight but with course of time, and the right type of treatment you can fight depression and get it out of your life.

Symptoms of depression may be aggravated due to teenage problems such as acne, use of drugs, loss of job, loss of loved ones, etc.

In order to fight depression, you need to understand the basic cause or reason, which has triggered such a condition. Once you find out the reason, then find out effective options for solving this problem. You must always keep in mind that will power or the power of mind is very important to fight out depression.

Positive thinking can help you to fight out depression without any medical support. You can fight out depression by clearing your mind and empowering it with positive thought or affirmations.

 Beautiful flower gardens have been a part of our world for thousands of years. Yet, flowers don't provide us with food, clothing fibers, or any other item considered necessary for survival. So, why do we spend so much time planting and caring for flowers? 

A recent study conducted at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, offers scientific proof that flowers do provide happiness, surely a necessity for our emotional well being. The study was conducted under the direction of Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, Ph.D., who is a psychologist and internationally known expert in emotional development in human behavior. Of the results, Dr. Haviland-Jones said, "What's most exciting about this study is that it challenges established scientific beliefs about how people can manage their day-to-day moods in a healthy and natural way." 

The study lasted for 10 months and produced proof of the 

• Flowers immediately affect happiness.
• The impact of flowers is positive and long-term.
• Flowers help to enable connections between people.

In the stressful world we live in, isn't it nice to know that by taking the simple step of purchasing flowers, you can quickly improve your own mood or someone else's? And, better yet, the flowers you buy for yourself will make those who see them happy as well. Just place them in a high-traffic area like the entryway to your home, on your kitchen table, or in the family's sitting room. Dr. Haviland-Jones agrees, saying, "Flowers bring about positive emotional feelings in those who enter a room. They make the space more welcoming and create a sharing atmosphere." 

Want to boost the mood of your employees and customers? Place flowers in your lobby and in areas used by your employees, like the break room, cafeteria, or meeting rooms. You'll benefit by having a more beautiful workplace and you'll see more smiles around the office. Improved morale can also increase employee productivity, so your small purchase of flowers can result in huge returns! 

Your florist can help you choose the perfect flowers for any occasion and can even help you pick the right flowers to match the recipients personality or the space they'll be placed in. Just pick up the phone and call or visit the flower shop to discuss what you need and what you'd like to achieve.

 On January 5th 2006 researchers annouced their studies, they learned that protein p11 plays a key role in depression. Protein p11 appears to regulate signaling of the brain chemical Serotonin. In so many studies done before Serotonin has been linked with depression and also anxiety disorders. The funny thing is Serotinon is what nearly every anti-depressant is made to regulate, including Prozac. 

Whats the difference between protein p11 and Prozac you ask?
Prozac uses compounds called SSRIs, which increase levels of Serotonin in your body. These compounds interact with 14 different serotonin receptors. Prozac stimulates some of the receptors that cause negative side effects, p11 does not interact with these receptors.

So is this the end all cure all?
Maybe, some people react differently, If you do not experience any positive effects from anti-depressants then you can try Paxil. Which aims at the future of antidepressants targeting the 5-HT receptors, which cause very few side effects.

!Entreprenuer Alert!
Since p11 is a natural (organic) chemical it can not be patented! Using p11 in future antidepressants will soon be huge. The funds to get such a business started are unknown, but you could do some research and some deep pocket investing to be the first to jump on this market.

 The old school songs and songs of today talk about emotions, simply because emotions are widely recognized as being a major part of many problems we face today. Rather people that lack control of managing their emotions is commonly referred as part of the problem. The fact is, emotions are part of the problem, and however, the emotions are ignited by something. 

One of the older songs, “It’s just emotions taking me over,” says a lot. Emotions will take you over if you allow them too, yet, these emotions only strike when the subliminal mind is affected, or triggered. 

Each day someone struggles with emotions. Many people find it difficult to manage these emotions. By exploring the subliminal mind however, one can learn to master the emotions more effectively. 

Keep in mind, medical and mental health issues could hinder some people from exploring the subliminal mind to master the emotions. For this reason, you may want to weed out any medical or mental related complications before venturing into subliminal learning. 

Once you have weeded out such complications you can move to address the emotional issues that you deal with. 

How to invoke subliminal learning to manage the emotions: 
Subliminal learning tactics takes some skill. First, you want to develop willingness, and the willpower to venture into this area of the mind where hidden messages reside.

Preparing is always wise. When you are prepared, it often makes it easier to overcome any problems that may crop in. thus, prepare. 

How do I prepare to study the subliminal mind? 
First, preparation develops from training, coaching, priming, warming up, practice, planning, organizing, and so on. First, set up a plan. Organize the plan so that you know which direction you are going. Put the plan into order and then start practicing daily until you are well trained to master the emotions through subliminal learning. 

No one knows your history better than you do. Therefore, set up a plan that revolves around your history, including your experiences, learning and knowledge. Consider the way you see things now. Arrange your plan so that it fits according to your needs or style of life. 

Begin practice. Practice will train you to work through your problems effectively and to discover the hidden self. Warm up each time before you begin practice so that you are prepared for whatever you may discover. 

You can plan each day to warm up by creating diagrams, mind maps, charts, or other solutions that give you improvising to work through your problems. By doing so you can develop strategies, ideas, plots, etc to allow you to make proposals at times your subliminal mind does not cooperate. 

Using mind maps is a great way to develop strategies and ideas that will assist you with exploring the subliminal mind to master the emotions. Mind maps are often created from images you develop in your mind. 

Once you have developed those images it will be easier if you write down what you imagine, your new ideas, strategies, et cetera. Draw sketches to assist you with imaging. This gives you an arrangement, which helps you to organize your thoughts and to prepare for whatever you may discover during the process of subliminal challenging. 

Some of the best tools we have to discover the hidden self resides inside of you. Only you can master the emotions by exploring the subliminal mind while using innate tools, such as self-talk, subliminal exploration, meditation, et cetera. Take some time to learn the latest techniques so that you can work through subliminal exploring. Make it a goal to master the emotional reactions that causes anger, fear, resentment, doubt, and so on.

 The actual psychological personality of a person is referred to as the ‘self’ of a person. Each one of us has a hidden self within us, but we are not aware of it. A human being thinks that it is his consciousness that lead his actions. Actually, our inner self guides our behavior in our day-to-day life. This self is constructed and undergoes transformation with the passage of time as we experience new things. Ego also forms a part of our inner self. It makes us fight for our own identity in the world. It stresses on an individual existence of a human being separated from others. This will make an individual proud and selfish. He will neglect certain facts, which will be an obstacle in his self-awareness and thereby degrading his self-development. Thus for the development of the inner-self, the foremost step is self-introspection. This means that an individual should look within himself and analyze his own personality. This way he will be able to make out his own strengths and weaknesses. After this, it will be easy for him to take on to the methods that add on to his strengths and subtract his weaknesses. A person will then become more attracted towards the positive ways of life. This can be selfless service towards humanity and moving away from the negative thoughts of life such as jealousy and frustration. This will lead to the healing of the inner-self. 

Another way of self-healing is to take on an optimistic attitude towards life. Many of us are prone to pessimistic thinking, which is the reason why they fail to realize the possibility of a solution to the problem. Taking on a positive and constructive attitude will give an individual the strength to face the problems of life and seek a solution to the same. 

Self-healing add on to the energy level of an individual and also aids in curing disorders like insomnia, aches, depression, and various physical and mental ailments. Meditation and yoga are some of the other ways that helps a person in the realization of a higher self. 
Meditation is a method of healing that helps to think above his own individuality and think for the development of humanity as a whole. It is a three way process that works through self-regulation, self-exploration and self-liberation. It helps us to keep a check on our animal desires and improves our concentration. This brings out our potential by way of several exercises and strengthens our character. It leads us to a spiritual realization and bridges the gap between our real and true self. Moreover, by making we realize our mistakes and weaknesses it brings about a transformation in our personality. Last but not the least, it reveals to us the truth of life and death and contributes in one’s process of self-healing. Yoga, on the other hand, helps in achieving the tranquility of mind. It provides relaxation and reduces stress that helps in self-healing. 

Self-love is a method of transformation of our inner self. Every person has the desire that the thing or the person he loves should always be perfect. Therefore, if a person will love himself then, no doubt, he will make all the efforts to transform and develop himself and be a better person. ‘Reiki’ is a method that helps in self-healing. The person expert in this method can heal any diseases weather physical or mental and thereby by its vibes cures a person and leads to self-healing of his inner-self. Thus, many methods help in self-healing individual just needs to make efforts for the same.

 Healing is a great way to alter emotional responses whereas anger, resentment or other negative responses develop. 

Our emotions react to things we harbor in our mind, such as anger, fear, resentment, doubt, and so on. All these negative emotions build, which causes us to react in accord to how we see things. In other words, what we perceive also plays a part in how our emotions will respond. 

The best way to manage emotional responses to heal the hidden self is to understand, the brain - and how it functions. 

The brain has natural functions, which make up three parts. The parts make up the top, middle and lower region, which described we can say it is strictly oversimplified. The natural functions of the brain keep our lungs and blood functioning properly. 

The key to understanding the brain is to realize that your power of mind only expands with use. By setting a goal to learn something new each day, you can expand your mind, grow and also work through self-healing. 

Like the body, the brain needs exercise. If you fail to exercise the brain, it will waste away. When the brain wastes away, thus it becomes difficult each day to manage the emotions.

Therefore, we can see that by exercising the brain daily we can expand the brain, expand our growth and work toward healing the hidden self. 

Our brain develops just as we do. Each time this area of our body develops, it creates myelin, which surrounds the nerve fibers in the brain. Myelin can develop into Demyelination, which causes an interruption to the pathological process. When myelin develops it acts as an insulting source, which myelin sheath insulates the nerve fibers to prevent damage. When Demyelination develops, it must function properly to assist myelin and its structure, it can lead to weakness or loss of brain functions. 

Thus, keeping the brain active is the key to healing the hidden self. Of course, you will need to explore the subliminal mind to find answers to the many problems you may have, but ultimately, keeping the brain active is essential for healing the hidden self. 

Experts have proven that once the “optic” nerves are destroyed in the brain area, thus the cells in the brain surrounding the visual environment will remain undeveloped. Thus, the brain must mature in order to assist us with self-healing and development. 

Our perceptions play a chief role in how we perceive. In addition, when our perceptions are flawed, it often leads to emotional responses that interrupt our lives. 

For this reason, too you want to make sure that you keep the brain active each day to avoid interrupting the optical nerves and brain cells. 

Moreover, when myelin is lacking production that comes from natural resources, such as keeping the brain active, thus it can affect our memory. Babies for example find it difficult to recall anything during this time, especially once they have grown up. This is because an infant has a lesser myelin production than the adult does. Thus, by keeping the brain active, we encourage a healthy mind, ultimately complete consciousness. 

It doesn’t matter what aspects of our being we focus on for healing the hidden self. The fact is every, single thing that occurs in our life, thus the brain is the prime minister of functions that determine our faith, future, et cetera. Your personality is also considered by evaluating your brain. Thus, what your brain pushes, your personality will become. The key is to remember, you have the power within to take control of your life. 

Keep your brain healthy by keeping the brain active each day.

 There seem to be so many people who are depressed that we really should take a look at the causes of depression in the first place. The factors that contribute to depression are well-known, and well-researched, but what causes it is not quite understood. New studies have uncovered some of the factors that contribute to the probability of people developing depression.


Stress takes the first place prize. It's true that any stressful environment or situation can lead to depression. It can be anything such as social stress, getting a job, relationship difficulties, worrying about money, staying up late, lifestyle out of control, pressures of school and getting good grades. Other events that could cause depression are: death, change of job, moving from one place to another; even the fear of the unknown can cause depression. The list is endless. While these events cannot be avoided, we must come up with an effective stress coping mechanism to be able to thrive even in stressful situations because they are never going to go away. Stressful situations just keep changing.

Drinking and Drugs

People who take drugs and alcohol are more prone to depression. When these substances are used at a young age, they can effect a a person's brain in negative ways. These substances help make the person feel good temporarily, but in most cases, people become addicted.

Drugs release dopamine in the pleasure center of the brain. For example: delicious food boosts dopamine release by about 50 percent. Sex, on the other hand, doubles this number. However, drugs can increase dopamine release anywhere from four to ten times. This unnatural high almost certainly leads to depression after the high goes away. This substance is the surest way to fry brain circuitry.

Drugs make a person depressed more than it makes him happy. This effect will spiral downward until the person doing drugs will want more and more of the substance to break the cycle of depression that follows each high and so the addiction is born.

Not Enough sleep 

Studies show that up to 40 percent of adults do not get the proper amount of sleep per day and among students, up to 71 percent complain of sleep disorders and lack of sleep.

Sleep is essential to a person's health. During sleep, the body repairs itself and reorganizes thought. Lack of sleep contributes to a lack of coherence in brain waves. This scenario often leads to depression. Sleeping during the day and staying up late also interferes with the body's natural rhythms. This can lead to a sense of depression.

Here are few ways on how to prevent depression.

Sleep is a vital part of preventing depression. Balance your life with enough rest and exercise everyday. Most people require seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

Keep some regularity in your life. Orgaize your activities so they can come at expected and regular times. If your weekly, daily or monthly routine is set then your body has time to get used to the activities. This will lead to a reduced chance for depression to set in.

Don't push yourself beyond your limits. Keep stress in check and try to avoid stressors if you can. If this can't be done, then try to deal with the stressors in a manner that minimizes the damage it causes.

Sunlight and exercise can help the brain to function a higher level. Make time to enjoy the sunlight and try to stay active in the daylight when possible.

Keep away from alcohol and drugs. They may seem attractive, but all they really do is cause havoc in a person's life.

Make at least one warm meal daily a priority. Good eating habits and good health are important when keeping away from depression.

Have fun every day. Nothing takes the load off of depression like some good old fun time. Social activities such as chatting, joining a support group sports, and other hobbies can do wonders towards healing a stressed out and busy mind.

Depression can be avoided and treated and it can be fun doing so. Follow the above mentioned tips for a brighter and happier disposition each day. You will look and feel better for it!

 Depression is believed by the medical profession to be the most prevalent disease of our time. The fear of developing heart problems or cancer alone is enough to cause tremendous stress and accompanying depression. There is a tremendous malaise circulating our world today. Both the medical profession and the media are constantly "warning" us of the dangers and probabilities of different diseases, some of which seem more than likely to shorten our life span. For instance, if there is cancer in your family, you're most likely going to get it! And of course, if cancer is not threat enough there is always the West Nile virus, Bird flu, AIDs and a host of other diseases to frighten us... 

One thing is for sure, we will never hear the end of calamities that are likely to beset us, whether from disease or some other form of challenge we may face. It seems inevitable that there will always be “something” that will get our blood pressure soaring. 

So, what is the answer to this problem? How can we carry-on with our lives without being constantly afraid of what lies around the next corner? Here are several suggestions about how to effectively deal with life’s challenging situations: 

1) Seek interpersonal support 

People need other people, and there are many good and practical ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Exercise, good nutrition and positive thinking are great antidotes. These not only help relieve the angst; they actually give us a sense of empowerment over our lives. 

2) Seek spiritual guidance about spoken words 

The Bible tells us that the power of life and death are in the tongue. Words can both bless and curse (James 3). Negative words can evoke fear, anxiety and actually produce negative effects in a person’s life. 

Whenever a word is heard - any word - the mind paints a picture of it. For instance, when someone says "black cow" immediately you will see that cow in your mind's eye. Although words are not tangible, they have the power to bring about emotional and physical change! Remember - The Bible teaches that the earth was created by the Word of God! Now that's real word power! 

We all have a choice when it comes to listening and what we hear. We can choose to empower ourselves by listening to positive words and encouraging thoughts or we can do otherwise. Think about the last time you listening to some of your favorite music…Did your feet start tapping? Did you start to hum the melody? Didn’t your mood lighten-up a bit as a result of hearing the melody and the words? Negative words almost always produce negative results, whether seen or unseen. On the other hand, positive words instill a sense of well-being. A mere smile and a quick, happy-sounding, "Have a great day!" can instantly produce good feelings and joy. 

3) Develop a “thankful” attitude. 

Thankfulness is one of the greatest virtues. A wise man once said that if we divided a page in two and wrote all our setbacks on one side and all our blessings on the other, we would find that the blessings far outweigh the negatives. The Bible teaches us to give thanks with a grateful heart for all things. Don't look back on past hurts, nor fret about tomorrow. Live “today” to the fullest…choose joy and thankfulness. 

In conclusion, remember that our thoughts respond to what we feed the mind through our senses. Therefore, it naturally follows that happiness is a choice. This may be a foreign concept to many of us at first, but when applied, the results can be truly amazing! Break the habit of feeling trapped in a world of negative thoughts and decide to switch-on the power of positive thoughts, today.

 Teen Depression is a rapidly growing concern in our society today.

Aside from obesity, teen depression is one of the major concerns affecting our youth today.  Reaching near epidemic proportions, teen depression is immensely contributing to countless numbers of teen deaths via suicide –thousands per year and countless more attempts. Teen depression can be a difficult problem to diagnose for parents, as many teens often will not open-up with their parents and when it comes to depression many will not talk to their friends because of the status quo of depression. Teen depression symptoms are very much the same as adults. Some of the symptoms include:

• Lack of motivation or general interest in normal daily activities
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Any suicidal thoughts
• Signs of withdrawal from everyday friends

If you suspect your teen may be depressed, talk to him or her and take them to your doctor. Anti-Depressant drugs are widely prescribed today but may not be the only option available. Scientific studies over the past few years have reached some startling conclusions about teen depression. Recently, several studies have concluded that suicide rates have actually gone up for teens taking antidepressant drugs; the validity of such studies has yet to be determined.

Many of the patients who are taking heavy doses of antidepressants are generally suicidal anyway, so it makes it difficult to tell if the drug itself is actually contributing to suicide or if the teens are either not taking their drugs, or the drugs are not acting quickly enough to relieve depression. It should also be noted that the use of anti-depressant drugs have probably helped more teens than not.  

Thorough research should be done before making any decisions to take anti-depressants. Talk to friends and family and ask around if they know anyone taking anti-depressant drugs and their successes.  After starting treatment careful monitoring of you child should be done by you and your doctor.  Many times 1 type of anti-depressant may not work so another can be tried.

There are other treatment options available for your depressed child.  Depression chat through counseling is one possible option if your child is not suffering from severe depression. Alternatively, you could consider electroconvulsive therapy or nerve stimulation as possible treatment options for those suffering with teen depression. Magnetic and hormone based therapies are also possibilities for treatment, but they are completely experimental at this point and nobody knows for sure yet if they will actually work to prevent depression in the long term. Understanding depression and its symptoms should help you determine what type of depression your child may or may not have and help you to seek out the professional that may be needed.  

Dennis M Driscoll
Understanding Depression

 Do you know the difference between being depressed or just being sad? 
Most people don’t. However, this matters because perhaps the best way to avoid health complications arising from depression is to deal with it in its early stages.

It is normal to feel sad from time to time. Sadness is a natural reaction to something upsetting which has happened. Depression on the other hand is more extreme. It is more of an emotional or mental illness which has a lot more symptoms than sadness and can, if not treated lead to suicide.

One huge difference between sadness and depression is that a person experiencing feelings which they find disconcerting can reasonably tell you what it is that is causing their unhappiness, however a person suffering from depression may not necessarily be able to do so. 

When one is sad, we tend to know that things will get better over time; on the other hand, a person going through depression may not see an end to his or her problem and may consequently think things are or will get worse.

This may lead to a depression that could last for a long length of time. With the negative feelings being so intense and overpowering, depression is oft times something one just can’t snap out of, at least not without assistance or taking exact measures to match or overwhelm its hold on a person. 

Though it is safe to say anyone going through depression experiences sadness, but not every sad person is necessarily depressed, both emotional hindrances might need to be addressed and catered to the same or very similar ways. 

However, since depression is usually more burdensome than just a state of sadness, one needs to be able to distinguish between the two to determine the amount of effort that may need to be done to correct either state of these negative emotions.

In order to be able to attack depression-advisably in its earlier stages-below are its symptoms in no specific order.

1. Irritability and mood swings.
2. Hopelessness and extreme pessimism (a negative outlook on life)
3. Loss of energy, extreme fatigue and tiredness.
4. Loss of interest in hobbies, having a good appearance and even associates and loved ones.
5. Extreme feelings of helplessness and no self worth.
6. Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
7. Insomnia (lack of) or excessive sleep.
8. Inexplicable weight loss or gain thereof, triggered by eating disorders.

Though not a conclusive list as characteristics vary by patient, these symptoms of depression listed above are the most common ones. 

If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, the first step, in my opinion and based on research will be to look within and ask why this may be occurring. Thoroughly assess your situation to see what it is that could be triggering these symptoms of depression within you. Could it be a failure at something or the loss of something or someone of importance? 

If you go over the problem carefully, you would be able to target the cause and consequently solve it. Remember, the mind is the most powerful force on the earth, He who can control it can control all things my friend. 

I will also mention that for both sadness (a symptom of depression obviously) and for the emotional disorder-depression-which we have now characterized for the purposes of distinguishing between the two, some steps you can take on your own for help will be engaging in some form of physical activity such as exercise or other hobbies. 

This step exercises the motor centers of the brain, making the blood flow away from the emotional activity center; consequently one becomes more receptive to positive thoughts. 
In addition to this tip, an observance of nature will show us that when animals are frightened or angered, they abstain from eating until after the passage of some time. Moreover, it is true that under stressful circumstances many civilized people refrain from eating and find in truth that they lack the desire for food, but it is also too often that most of us will eat large meals under these circumstances.
Now, worry, fear, anxiety, excitement, hurry, heated arguments at meals: all prevent the secretion of the digestive enzymes of the body and hinder not only digestion, but the whole nutrition process.
This considered, perhaps the last thing you may want to do while dealing with depression or sadness-be it its causes or symptoms is to eat excessively, I may go as far as to say to even eat at all.

It is also advised that at this crucial stage of emotional encumbrance, try and seek out the company of uplifting friends, relatives and associates. As much as possible, purposely surround yourself with uplifting and positive elements like your favorite DVD comedies, books, sitcoms and things of that nature.

So if you are unsure if you are truly depressed or just sad, take heart, neither of these negative emotions can overpower you-if you take charge and overcome them. It may not always be easy and you may need help, however, the desire to be-little their effects over you will be the first step towards success.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje

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